
Hello, my name is Casey Morel a.k.a The Inked Morel. I'm the queer forest gnome of the tattoo industry. As is true with most gnomes, I love all things naturey and nerdy. In terms of tattoo aesthetics: colorful and glittery, intricately detailed, fine line, and stippling dot tattoos are all my jam. I have spent most of my life exploring a wide array of art mediums from watercolor to construction, welding, ceramics and more.

After spending the first few years of the COVID outbreak as a preschool teacher sharing my love of art with amazing and wonderful kiddos, I felt drained and burnt out. I realized I needed to pursue my dream of being an artist full time. I have been fascinated by tattoos from a young age. My eternally cool Mom had one while I was growing up, and then we got one together when I was older. Additionally, I had been drawing daily for years and felt confidant in my creative ability.

In 2023 it was finally time give it a go! I went to tattoo school and instantly fell in love. I wanted to try every new technique I saw on Instagram and Tictok. I practiced every chance I got on fruit, fake skin, myself, and others. I continue to hone my skills daily through my studio work!

After graduation I was fortunate enough to be able to open my very own shop here in downtown Portland OR. I'm so excited to be able to invite you to join me on this journey to becoming a thriving artist!