FAQs- Before Tattoo

How much does a tattoo cost?

Asking, "How much does a tattoo cost?" is similar to asking, "How much does a bag of groceries cost?" That varies widely based on what is in it, how big the bag is, and where you're buying it from. Many factors go into the price of a tattoo, including design, placement, and size.

I'll work with you to determine your price quote and the final cost. Your quote is based on the size and style you choose. My pricing is $100 an hour tattoo time, $50 deposit to schedule appointment that is applied to your total (deposit is forfeit if you cancel within 12 hours of appointment.), lastly there is a $100 design fee for custom pieces (up to 3 revisions included). Also your quote is also given based on the assumption you sit still during the tattoo. If it takes longer, the cost can be higher, if it’s being charged by the hour.

Payments are always completed the same day you get a tattoo, at the end of your appointment. Even if it’s a multiple session tattoo, you pay for each session. Before you start getting tattooed, make sure you have a quote for that session and have enough money (cash or venmo currently) to cover the cost if it ends up being more. Please let me know at our consultation if you have a specific budget in mind.

Is the tattoo shop clean and accessible?

I use the highest standards of cleanliness and sterilization techniques dictated by the Oregon State Health Licensing Department. My supplies are sterile, single-use needles and disposable tubes. I wash my hands frequently and wear gloves (once wearing gloves I do not touch anything else that isn’t your skin, or anything not properly wrapped and covered). Eating, drinking (besides water), are restricted in the tattoo studio.

Please let me know before starting a tattoo if you have any allergies or health concerns. I can be prepared and do my best for you if I have all the information.

Are there places or content you won't tattoo?

I won’t tattoo hate speech or symbols, cultural tattoos in which neither I or the client are apart of, spiders, or gory medical/anatomy tattoos. Hand, neck, feet and face tattoos are done on a case by case basis and can be discussed at your consultation

I will not tattoo genitals, around the eyes, bottom of feet, or palms of hands.

I won’t copy other artists work outright. I’m happy to work on a similar idea of something you found and like, but unless we have direct permission from the other artist, I will change up the piece and make it my own before tattooing it on you. I will tattoo a drawing done by or for you, but might need to change it up to be a “tattoo-able” design.

How do I know what ink or color is best for my skin?

Clients are welcome to request a color test. Color tests (also known as palette tests or swatch tests) are a process used to test ink colors on clients who want to see how the variations in colors and ink brands will heal for them. Concerns can include visibility on specific skin tones, or allergies to specific colors. A color test can be small dots, lines, or a simple design that gives you a chance to see how colors heal for you and how they look. Once you've seen the healed results (about 4 weeks,) you can confidently choose to go for a larger piece using the pigments that work best.

How do I make a tattoo appointment or change one?

You can schedule a consultation through the Booking link on this website’s homepage or click HERE. During the consult, once we have decided on your tattoo and you have your cost quote, we will schedule the date for the actual tattoo session.

FAQs- The Day of Tattoo

Does a tattoo hurt? Can I use numbing cream?

You will have small needles penetrating your skin and depositing ink. In many cases it will be uncomfortable but the extent of “pain” is different from person to person. The location of the tattoo can greatly change the amount of discomfort. The general consensus for the most painful locations are: ribs, abdomen, spine, tops of feet, inside of the arm, crook of the elbows, and back of the knees. Thankfully, our brain releases endorphins when experiencing pain. For some people this can decrease the discomfort and some people will actually find it pleasurable. Other factors that can improve the discomfort during a tattoo are: being well rested, not being actively hungry, being well hydrated, not being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or caffeine. For people who have a uterus, getting tattooed during the menstrual cycle can be more painful; this is something to consider when scheduling. The best advice is to relax, don’t fight it or over think it. It will be over soon and the tattoo will last a lot longer than the discomfort ever did.

Let me know if you want to use topical numbing products before coming to your appointment and we can discuss options.

How should I prepare for the tattoo day?

-Do moisturize the area to be tattooed for about a week before your appointment.

-Don't shave the area to be tattooed. Your tattoo artist will do that for you.

-No drugs or alcohol at least 8 hours before your tattoo. It is not only illegal, but it can make the process more difficult, more painful and raise the risk of complications.

-Can't be pregnant or nursing.

-No sunburns or other skin anomalies on the location you will be getting tattooed. Talk to your doctor about any visible veins, birthmarks, or discolorations.

-Confirm you are not regularly taking blood thinners (regular Aspirin thins your blood).

-Don't exercise the day of and best not to the day before as well. You need all your endorphins.

-Don't come in sick.

-Do come well rested, having eaten (you don’t want to be starving or stuffed) and be hydrated. Feel free to bring in snacks and a water bottle if it’s a long session.

-Do bring headphones if you want. We can decide on music or audio books etc together at the appointment. Please respect the shop and keep phone calls to a minimum or only during breaks.

-Do shower and wear clean clothing (infection prevention starts here). Put clean sheets on your bed.

-Do brush your teeth (bring gum/mints) and wear deodorant if that’s your thing. We will be in close quarters and it’s the kindest thing to do.

-Do wear clothing that allows your tattoo artist to get to the body part that will be tattooed and that will be loose on your tattoo after. It is best to wear clothing you are ok getting tattoo ink on.

Depending on the placement of your tattoo, you may be required to remove certain items of clothing. You will never be required to remove more clothing than is absolutely necessary. Feel free to bring other clothing items such as a bathing suit top or shorts, whatever you are most comfortable in. Also, if you you are a person that tends to get cold consider bringing a hoodie or blanket that can get ink on it.

Can I bring other people to my tattoo appointment?

This is a small studio so I ask that you only bring one or two other people to your appointment. Also, unfortunately no children are allowed in the studio.

FAQs- After Tattoo

Should I tip for a tattoo?

Tattooing is a typically a tipping industry. Tipping is not “required” but is always appreciated! How much you want to tip based on the service you’ve received. A common range is roughly 10%-30%

What is "normal" for tattoo healing?

It will itch. That means it’s healing! But don’t scratch it, scratching can cause scarring.

I take every precaution to prevent infection. However, if you do not take proper care of your tattoo after leaving our tattoo shop, it can easily become irritated. Your tattoo is a wound, keep it clean! An actual infection or allergic reaction is very rare. Scabbing, flaking, peeling, dryness and a hazy appearance are all natural parts of the healing process. If you think there might be an issue, message me with a picture and description of what’s going on.

For the best outcome, keep your tattoo out of the sun until it is healed and then use sunscreen. Any form of tanning can damage and fade your tattoo. Don’t soak your tattoo in any water and keep it clean from dirt or sweat while it’s healing. Using clean towels, sheets and wearing clean clothes is always a good idea. Your aftercare affects the healing process and quality of your tattoo. Make sure to plan appropriate down/healing time after your tattoo.

Blood flow is necessary for the healing process so the closer to the heart the better the healing. Healing of the lower legs and feet can take longer because of this. Also, be aware of friction on your tattoo and wear loose clothing. Tattoos where clothing constricts and where movement is constant can lead to a longer healing times. Areas of the body with natural seams, like elbows and knees, can have a harder time healing as well.

After 2-4 weeks it should be ok to resume your normal activities. Also at that point it’s ok to keep working on a multiple session tattoo or get a touch ups. I offer 3 free touch ups within the first year after getting your tattoo.

How to thank me for a tattoo?

Follow me on Instagram, I also love getting images from my clients! If you took pictures of the shop or during your appointment I would love to have the opportunity to use them! I also greatly appreciate images of your healed tattoo work.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns please let me know. Thank you for supporting my small, local, LGBTQ owned business!